PMD supports Paul Town and the Bradford Burns Unit
Limited edition prints presented to Paul Town
Phil Wilson of PMD is proud to present Paul Town of Stadium Portraits with limited addition prints of his ‘Broken Souls’ painting. PMD agreed to print and supply these as a donation as all proceeds from the sale of the 56 limited edition prints will be donated to the Bradford Burns Unit. Paul Town is an artist based in Baildon, Bradford and all his masterpieces are painted in memory of the 56 people that lost their lives, so tragically following the fire disaster at Valley Parade on 11th May 1985. Both Paul and Phil Wilson, PMD’s Managing Director, are lifelong Bradford City fans and when Paul asked Phil if he could print these limited edition prints he automatically offered to print them free of charge.
“When Paul approached PMD about printing this painting (before he had even put paint to canvas) I had no hesitation in supporting both Paul and the great cause he has produced it for. Everyone from Bradford was affected in some way on that fateful day and the Bradford City Burns Unit [which facilitated the rehabilitation of the victims of the fire, and continues vital research] is such a great cause.” stated Phil Wilson
Over half of the limited edition prints were reserved prior to the official release. More information about Paul Town and his work can be found by visiting //www.stadiumportraits.com