Coca-Cola promise to ‘unite us’ in their Global Christmas Ad
In many households, Christmas arrives when the Coca-Cola advert is first aired on television. For many years, Coca-Cola have used the iconic Holidays Are Coming campaign around the Christmas period. But this year the main aim of the global advertisement is to remind customers that there is more that unites us than divides us.
The new advert will run alongside the iconic Holidays Are Coming advert, which this year is receiving it’s largest media spend to-date in the UK.
The new advert shows Santa Claus preparing for Christmas. As a narrator points out that many negative things could be said about Father Christmas including he tries to “sneak across our lands” after “gaining information about us”. The advert then ends with Santa Claus drinking a bottle of classic Coca-Cola that has been left for him in a home as the narrator notes that we should welcome him because “if we focus on what divides us we forget what we love about each other”.
The new advertisement celebrates what we have in common and leaving aside differences. Helping Coca-Cola ‘unite us’ all within the UK.