A day in the life of Phil
A day in the life of Phil
Phil started off his day by going into the office and catching up on emails. He then set off to Wetherby Young Offenders Institution to have a meeting with one of the rugby passionate prison guards about introducing rugby to the young males. Not only would it teach them the core values of rugby – teamwork, discipline, sportsmanship, respect and enjoyment – it also will teach them valuable life skills.
After this, Phil went to Harrogate as one of his client’s shops is relocating so he went over to measure up for new signage.
Once he had been to Harrogate, Phil made his way to Bradford to visit the ‘One in a milion’ foundation, charity and school to go through all their marketing requirements and discuss White Rose Rugby. One in a million are a Bradford based charity that engages predominantly with disadvantaged children and young people aged between 5-19 years old.
Lastly, Phil came back to the office bearing chocolate donuts and began finishing, creating and preparing January’s campaigns for White Cross Vets which need to be ready and printed for the start of the new year.